Machine Hunter ============== Legal Stuff =========== Machine Hunter, @ 1996-1997, Eurocom Developments Ltd. All rights reserved. Licensed to MGM Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Machine Hunter is a trademark of Eurocom Developments Ltd. This demo is released as freeware. Please feel free to copy and distribute this demo. All that we ask is that you do not modify the original zip file contents before passing it on. Thankyou. Welcome ======= This demo includes a fully playable level. The final game is due for release this summer. I know that you don't want to spend hours reading the README so the instructions here are very brief. Machine Hunter is a basically a shoot-em-up. It is not another DOOM clone but shows the 3D environment from above. This allows us to provide a fully directional firing system so you can shoot enemies all around you. You progress through the game by taking over enemy robots. As you take over a robot you inherit his weapons and abilities. This gives you a vast array of weapons each of which can be powered up with special pickups. A quick guide to installation and controls follows... Running Machine Hunter ====================== Machine Hunter requires DirectX to be installed on your machine. To keep the size of the download to a miniumum we have not included the drivers in the install program. If you do not have DirectX drivers installed on your machine, the game will still run but only in window form and without sound. You can obtain the latest DirectX drivers from Microsoft at The following assumes you have used MACHINST -D to install. From Windows 95, move to the MACHINST directory and double click on MACHHUNT.EXE. Important note for users with Windows graphics accelerators or 3D Video cards: Machine Hunter in full screen uses the Direct Draw mode of 320*240 in 256 colours (also known as Mode X). On newer video cards, manufacturers tend to incorporate hardware acceleration for Windows graphics modes. This normally results in poor DOS performance. For this reason you may find that the game runs very badly in full screen on machines with a Windows accelerator board. The hardware acceleration normally means that you can maximize or stretch the window with no loss in performance so if you have problems running full screen try maximizing the windows or stretching it to a comfortable size. You will know if you have this problem since the frame rate will be very poor and the sound will tend to run too slowly when in full screen mode (Alt-Enter). Player Controls =============== The cursor keys provide directional movement for the player The control key will fire forward The numeric keypad provides 8 directional firing for the player Y - Fire Up G - Fire Left H - Fire Down J - Fire Right Space will fire secondary weapons The W key allows selection of primary weapon The S key allows selection of secondary weapon Numeric keypad 0 provides a strafe key. (rotating views only) Return acts as a start button and provides PAUSE in game TAB will bring up a 3D Map of the level ALT-F4 will quit the program. ALT-Enter will make the game full screen. ALT alone when full screen will return the game to a window. The in game menu accessed by the pause (RETURN) key provides different camera options to the player and allows the player to turn off shading and colour addition to speed up the game on slower machines. Sound volumes should be set using the Windows 95 mixer. Other Information ================= The final game features 16 levels with around 30 different maps. 9 different robots to conquer and master. Full CD Audio soundtracks to accompany gameplay. Full 8 player multiplayer support. Where in the world? =================== Machine Hunter Information Eurocom Developments Ltd. MGM Interactive Inc.